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Charles Less The fish hooks October 16, 2012
we were just taking about the time Dad went to cast a lure with three  sets and happen to hook the set of hooks into my forehead. We got in the car went home and he removed them with a razor blade. Dad often played the role of surgon. I once saw him do a C section on a big sow.
Jaime Less Grandpa October 16, 2012
I will always remember my giant of a Grandfather. When I was little I would marvel at how big his hands were! I have many fond memories of visiting he and Grandma, going fishing on their boat, and staying up late to play a little blitz (a tradition that has lived on in all of our households). 
I will continue to love him and cherish his memories, and I will pass those memories on to my children so that they will know him and keep his memory alive.
Rest in peace and say "hi" to Grandma for me, Grampa, I love you!

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