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Be of good cheer about death and know this as a truth --that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.Socrates

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Charles Walter Less who was born in United States on March 10, 1925 and passed away on October 15, 2012. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.
Memorial Serves will be held at Trinity Luther Church, 17330 South Highway 441, Summerfield, FL 34491 at 11 am on the 17th of October


The Old Farmers Prayer for Charlie


Time just keeps moving on
Many years have come and gone
But I grow older without regret
My hopes are in what may come yet.


On the farm I work each day
This is where I wish to stay
I watch the seeds each season sprout
From the soil as the plants rise out.

I study Nature and I learn
To know the earth and feel her turn
I love her dearly and all the seasons
For I have learned her secret reasons.

All that will live is in the bosom of earth
She is the loving mother of all birth
But all that lives must pass away
And go back again to her someday.

My life too will pass from Earth
But do not grieve, I say, there will be other birth 
When my body is old and all spent
And my soul to heaven has went.

Please compost and spread me on this plain
So my body Mother Earth can claim 
That is where I wish to be
Then Nature can nourish new life with me.

So do not for me grieve and weep
I did not leave, I only sleep
I am with the soil here below
Where I can nourish life of beauty and glow.

Here I can help the falling rain
Grow golden fields of ripening grain
From here I can join the winds that blow
And meet the softly falling snow.

Here I can help the sun’s warming light
Grow food for birds of gliding flight
I can be in the beautiful flowers of spring
And in every other lovely thing.

So do not for me weep and cry
I am here,

I do not die

Nicole, Chuck, Pat, and Dori  You have brought me many grand children . Through them my seed has been cast. May their lives be happy and leave our crop to grow.

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